X-Tempo takes its name from the word extemporaneous, which best describes the band’s fusion of jazz and classical rock, as well as their improvisational style.

       ex * tem * po * ra * ne * ous  / adjective (1656)

        1. composed, performed or uttered on the spur of the moment: impromptu
        2. done in a improvised manner
        3. delivered without notes or text
        4. happening suddenly and often unexpectedly: extemporaneously

        synonyms: extemporaneousness, impromptu

Influenced by the classical rock bands such as Supertramp and Pink Floyd, X-Tempo was incubated in the New York City rock scene of the 1970s and 1980s, during which the band’s founding members Peter Venezia and Kevin Roth played with a number of bands, developing their own signature style of music that eventually evolved into X-Tempo. 

A classically trained pianist, Peter developed the melody to each of X-Tempo's original piece of music, while Kevin drove the heart beat on drums.  X-Tempo has created a jazzy, classical rock sound that one may get if Alan Parsons were fused with Cirque du Soleil.